Saturday, June 12, 2010

Adaptive eLearning

I found the above video very interesting. The problem they solved is very similar to the problems that we at MCAST are presented with and think that the solution they developed can be implemented by us as well.

The idea show here stresses the importance that eLearning needs to be accompanied with constant feedback for the student. A student could get easily discouraged and drops out if he/she doesn't find the necessary help and feels alone.


  1. Same video I posted but could not download it - I just put the link cos I was having probs with the downloader :-)

  2. very interesting video... As "fraki" posted, a student could get easily discouraged and drops out if they don't find necessary help. This software aims to keep the student constantly on track and when the student gets stuck, there is enough help which guides the student back on track and hence the student doesn't feel alone. A very nice method which in my opinion requires a new mentality towards e-learning. How is MCAST attitude towards adaptive e-learning?

  3. Very interesting. It's true, at MCAST we do face similar problems. However, in order for such a solution to be implemented at our college, one must consider the costs involved.

    A complete shift in culture would need to take place in order for such a technology to be introduced. Leaving aside the financial cost of the system (which in itself is already a huge barrier), there are other problems that must be resolved.

    To my knowledge, it is only the IICT that makes extensive use of online tools in the learning process. And to be honest, the Moodle system at the ICT is vastly used only as a repository of files and information, rather than as a two-way communication channel with students. As things stand, the shift needed to implement this adaptive eLearning system is too great to be carried out effectively.

    I agree with Fraki that in order for MCAST to succeed in reaching its goals and objectives, adaptive eLearning could provide considerable help. However, one must bear in mind the vocational aspect of the college. Virtualization can be ideal for certain subject areas, but might not be as useful in other subject matters.

    Christian Calleja
    IICT Lecturer

  4. True Christian, our institute is a vocational one but one must move towards these systems. For such systems to be used as two-way communcation systems, lecturers must be given more time to manage it. Unfortuantely the mentality is still lacking behind. Probably as you mentioned, it is also a financial problem. You need more staff to manage it and more time to control it. I also believe that not all subjects can be taught through e-learning due their vocational side.

    Lets calculate some costs: if half of the courses were to be taught using e-learning, than half of the lecturers should be given like 6-7hrs to manage it appropiately, hence 1/2(lecturer*.6). Assuming the cost on 1 lecturer, MCAST must increase its budget by 30% + system & maintance cost which would be rather expencive.

    Should MCAST adopt e-learning when considering these cost?

  5. This video brought to my mind a mixed ability class. The fact that the learning environment can be adapted to suit the needs of different users can be very useful for this type of class. When the lecturer gets to know his class well, he can make the necessary adaptations to suit the weakest students, average students and very bright students. This, in conjunction with class based instruction and practical work might provide the perfect set-up for MCAST where we do have mixed ability classes.

    As regards the cost of such systems, it can be expected that they are high. It might be possible to upgrade the Moodle system in a way so as to be able to perform a similar function to such a system.

  6. I think that the idea of providing constant feedback to students makes a lot of sense and is very much appropriate when considering the shift to elearning or blended techniques.

    Considering that elearning is a new notion for a lot of students and also lecturers, an intelligent system that provides constant guidance to students will be very helpful to aid a smooth transition to such system. Furthermore, it offers the possibility for monitoring evaluation and hence continuous improvement. This system will statistically reveal the most common difficulties students are having hence lecturers can respond accordingly. Imagine the huge improvement in quality assurance such system could grant over a period of time.

  7. In my opinion it is important to create adaptive eLearning methods instead of ‘one-size-fits-all’ learning solutions.

    In a classroom environment, the lecturer usually teaches many students simultaneously and thus individual teaching is very minimal. In comparison, an e-learning environment can respond to each students’ needs individually. On the other hand, it is more difficult to adapt to learning styles in an elearning environment.

  8. Adaptivity in elearnig has many potential benefits. I believe that individualized learning especially at a massive scale, cannot be achieved using traditional approaches.
    Nowadays teachers include digital games in their lesson plans. They have been adopted even in preschool.
    An eLearning board game can foster students' creative thinking, problem-solving skills and imagination as students are trying to win the game by improving their performance in a variety of learning activities.
    In addition, the These games offer teachers an adaptive authoring tool wherein they can customize their games according to their students' needs and interestes.

  9. Bla dubju, naqbel, it-tagħlim elettroniku waħdu għandu l-element/ il-kuntatt uman nieqes. Madanakollu jibni l-idea li t-tagħlim ma jsirx biss bejn l-erba’ ħitan tal-klassi, anzi hu dejjem estiż ’il barra mill-iskola, ’il hinn mill-ħin tal-lekċer, u saħansitra tul il-ħajja. Il-parteċipazzjoni tal-istudent mid-dar turi l-interess tiegħu fit-twettiq tal-iskopijiet ewlenin tal-proċess tat-tagħlim. L-adaptive elearning hu mezz kif l-għalliem jista’ jilħaq il-bżonnijiet ta’ kulħadd anke jekk il-klassi hi numeruża, qisu hemm għalliem ieħor virtwali li jagħraf fejn l-istudent qed jiżbalja biex jikkoreġih.

    Il-flessibbiltà ta’ dis-sistema timmotiva l-istudent f’xogħlu u fl-istess waqt, kif qalet Doreen, tista’ tkun ideali għal klassi ta’ studenti b’abbiltajiet differenti.


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