Saturday, June 5, 2010
making the transition
Terminoloġija bil-Malti
Peress li l-metodi tat-tagħlim infirxu 'l barra mill-erba' ħitan tal-klassi, kull lingwa li tagħmel użu minnhom kellha taġġusta għal dawn l-eżiġenzi. Il-Malti ma qagħadx lura.
Kont qrajt li meta l-Prof. Aquilina kien avviċinat minn ġurnal lokali biex isibilhom il-kelma Maltija għal 'crossword', il-prof. mingħajr tlaqliq qalilhom 'tisliba'. Minn dak li nafu, dil-kelma kien nissilha hu dak il-ħin stess permezz tal-għerq s-l-b, li minnu għandna kelmiet bħal salib, sallab, u mislub. Eżatt bħalma nnisslu 'tifkira' minn f-k-r, jew 'tidwira' minn d-w-r. Kien kreattiv biżżejjed biex jieħu għerq stabbilit u joħroġ minnu vokabolarju ġdid għall-ħtiġijiet lingwistiċi ta' żmienu. L-għada filgħodu l-qarrejja tal-ġurnal tgħallmu kelma ġdida li mingħalihom kienet ilha teżisti sekli sħaħ... u aċċettawha.
Kont qrajt ukoll li meta l-inventuri ħolqu l-ispace shuttle, ma kellhomx isem għal din l-invenzjoni l-ġdida. Il-persuna li ħarġet bil-kelma 'shuttle' kienet ispirata minn kelma fir-reġistru tal-ħajjata li bil-Malti tiġi 'mekkuk'. Dan seħħ għax x'aktarx kienu apparentament simili. Madanakollu did-darba l-Malti (kemm l-Ilsien, u anke l-kelliem), ma kienx kreattiv daqs id-darba ta' qabel, u s-semmiegħ tiegħu laħaq draha sew bl-Ingliż. Ħadd ma kien issuġġerixxa t-terminu 'mekkuk spazjali', iżda wisq inqas dehret ħeġġa għal xi kelma ġdida.
Fuq kollox, x'hemm ħażin jekk il-Malti jissellef kliem mill-Ingliż? Hekk għamel minn lingwi oħrajn u llum ħafna minn dawn il-kelmiet saru tiegħu daqslikieku kienu minn dejjem... fosthom: 'truck' saret 'trakk', u biż-żmien ittieħdet mill-plural Semitiku <+ijiet> u saret 'trakkijiet',... il-verb 'to park' li, bl-influwenza tal-<+iare> mit-Taljan, fil-Malti sar ipparkja,... u l-bqija.
Fid-diċenji li għaddew, mal-iżvilupp tal-internet ġelben influss qawwi ta' kliem tekniku li l-Malti ma kienx ippreparat biżżejjed għalih, u m'għarafx jieħu azzjoni mill-ewwel. Il-ħtieġa li jitwessa' l-lessiku bdiet tittieħed bis-serjetà meta bdew jinqalbu d-dokumenti Ewropej għall-Malti.
Anke dwar l-isfera tal-blogs bdew jaslu s-suġġerimenti; fosthom hemm min qal li hu jikteb blogg (pl. bloggs), min qal li jħalliha blog u jiktibha korsiva (italics), u oħrajn qalu li jsejħulha bloggata, kelma Ingliża bis-suffiss Taljan <+ata>, bħalma huma paprata, ċuċata, żiblata, u l-bqija. Il-bloggs jew il-bloggati jiffurmaw il-bloggosfera, nisġa ta' ħafna minnhom qishom komunità interdipendenti, fejn kull waħda jkollha spazju allokat għall-kummenti tal-bqija.
Dal-ħsieb jixhed li l-Malti anke fit-tagħlim elettroniku qed jagħti sehmu, u qed iżomm għajnejh miftuħin kemm fuq l-iżviluppi u anke fuq it-tattiċi u l-prattiċi li qed jadottaw lingwi ġirien.
Friday, June 4, 2010
And with Great Power...
Technology is indeed empowering people... but I ask, are people ready to accept this responsibility? Are our students willing to accept this responsibility and do they know what this responsibility really entails?
Even looking at ourselves, as Educators, when online somehow we are truly responsible for what we are writing or submitting, because there is a wide audience who is actually accessing the information which we disseminate, and therefore any misconceptions, any errors, any mistakes which can result from what we write, may have more propagating consequences.
New Study shows Wikipedia is Accurate, but hard to read!
Researchers found that cancer information on Wikipedia was similar in accuracy and depth to the information on a professionally peer-reviewed, patient-oriented cancer web site, the National Cancer Institute's Physician Data Query (PDQ). But the latter was written in plainer English." - Live Science
Read more about this article on the Live Science website
Thursday, June 3, 2010
The teachers' expectations of students?
I have seen this movie before I started working at MCAST, but it still affects me - especially in knowing what a major influence the teacher has over the students.
Have you watched this movie? Or do you know of other movies that portray the teaching setting that might influence us somehow?
The Ron Clark Story:
Comparing Pedagogies
In a way this report brings out the true value of pedagogy... what the teacher/tutor/educator manages to elicit from the students is rather in my opinion irreplaceable but on the other hand, the same teacher has to face the future and adapt accordingly. A nice quote caught my eye, by J. Catone (2009): "Anyone can absorb information from a book or video, but good teachers will always be necessary to draw out that knowledge and help students develop the skills needed to think critically about the information they consume. In other words, online learning tools are just like any other tools in a teacher’s bag of tricks: what matters is how they’re applied."
In answer to some other posts which we have actually seen I do think that this puts us all, as Educators, in agreement. We are indeed part of the answer to the education of the future... it all depends on the direction we take with our students.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
RSA Animate - Drive: The surprising truth about what motivates us
The statement above left me wondering about the integrity in our learning curricula and how biased are our students' works in relation to the ready-available samples of work as provided on-line. Personally I am not approaching this matter with the aim to monitor the students' work in terms of scholarly standards however this makes me question the creativity and innovation of the works submitted.
Looking forward to see your views. Ian
Monday, May 31, 2010
Sharing Resources for Teaching
What do you think if in Malta on the local scale we would have a repository where people can share a number of resources which they use during their own teaching? There is a possibility that the same resources can be used for different topics within an entirely different range of subjects. How do you see this fit in with the nature of your teaching experience at MCAST?