Friday, June 25, 2010

The E-learning Debate 2010

I found an interesting video outlining the most important points which we face nowadays when we think about e and m-learning. These were discussed during The E-Learning Debate 2010.


  1. After watching the video, I accessed the website to read further. The main debate was whether learning on smart phones is less about new technology than it is about a new approach to pedagogy and there were valid arguments both in favour and against.

    Actually I think that teaching in its most basic form will always remain the same. What we are doing through e- and m-learning is to introduce new techniques which make learning more interesting and, even more importantly, more accessible to as many students as possible. We are trying to make subject material available using technologies which students are familiar with and which they use continuously. Perhaps in this way, they might become more motivated to learn.

  2. I agree perfectly with Doreen in that teaching, or better learning (as we nneed to remember that the main aim is not the teaching part but the learning part)will remain the same.
    One of the main problems with the education system has always been that the main concern has been with the teaching and the teaching styles, whereas the main focus should be on the learning.
    One should focus more on the fact that there are different learning styles. We cannot pretend to students to adopt the method of learnign which is most suitable for us.
    As I already mentioned in another post, if students are at ease usning a particular technology, if this technology forms aprt of their reality educators need to follow.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Dawn il-biċċiet mill-eLearningDebate donnhom qed jagħtu iktar importanza lill-mobilephones milli l-kompjuters/leptops. X’aktarx qed jifhmu li l-vantaġġi tal-mobbiltà u ċ-ċokon saru jinżlu għasel fost l-istudenti. Doreen semmiet punti validi, fosthom li l-użu ta’ dawn il-mezzi ikun qed timmotiva l-istudent peress li hu apparat li huma jużaw il-ħin kollu għal xejn b’xejn. X’aktarx min iduq sistema mobbli bħal din ma jerġax lura, anzi jħajjar lill-sħabu. L-idea tal-iSchool li ddiskutejna ġimagħtejn ilu mhix kumdità żejda għal-lum, iżda mod kif l-istudent, l-għalliem, u l-bqija jorganizzaw ruħhom aħjar mingħajr ma jsiru dipendenti fuq is-sistema.


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