Friday, June 4, 2010

CTEP AmeriCorps Member Provides Testimony at FCC Digital Inclusion Summit


  1. Video available at:

    Empowering students through the use of technology is a must if we are to prepare them for the world of work. Some learners may need greater assistance than others. We have the power to facilitate this process by including work activities for students even if our main area of teaching is not related to technology. Most areas of work even if not directly related to IT include the use of some technological device. Helping students gain the necessary skills would be to better their employment opportunities.

  2. I agree. This is a problem that is being faced by technology illitereate people who are beyond the age of school.

    As said in the video, practice is indispensable when it comes to technology. Using computer a few hours a week at the college is not enough if the student does not own one at home.

    Besides, technology is similar to learning how to ride a bicycle, something you cannot do without actualliy getting a bicycle and driving it regularly.

  3. Technology has become such a major influence in our lives that we simply can’t ignore it anymore. As this video shows, more and more people are having the “need” to familiarize themselves with computers and technology as a whole. Referring to the fact that some people may be intimidated by computers, this might be because people feel that they cannot keep up with this ever-growing industry. Technology is phasing out very quickly various aspects of our lives such as ‘sitting and enjoy reading a book quietly’ that most people are finding this transition to be quite sudden. This is creating a divide where people who are technologically literate can keep up with new things and learn more every day, whilst others who are not so literate are at a stalemate where they are not at all involved with computers and technology. Glad to see that this issue is being addressed and that people who want to learn more about computers are increasing every day.

  4. I agree that at least basic computer skills are required by everyone who wants to work in today's industry (actually not just for work..but that would be another issue). Apart from students of our institute, i.e. ICT, who need to learn more advanced topics such as programming, I believe that all students (in all institutes) require at least the following computing competencies:

    1) Send/Receive Email - totally indispensable. Email is one of the best communication tools, one that students will undoubtedly need to use in their work place

    2) Word Processing - equally important, for creating documents, letters, etc...

    3) Create a presentation - since the prospective employer of our students might require them to do presentations

    4) Use the internet - the internet is an ore of resources and information that can never be matched with any other means

  5. I teach business subjects and work itself is facilitated through the use of technology. For example using Google documents to find templates to create agendas, minutes, reports, budgets, invoices and an endless list of documents can be found online. So students have a wide range of tools that they can use to help them with their assignments and even at their prospective place of work.


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