Sunday, June 27, 2010

The Internets and your opinion

One of the main reasons why I really love the internet is due to the way that really stimulates you to think. We are quite easily manipulable especially if we get to see only one side of the coin. This happens all the time especially on TV where we hear non-stop political propaganda, whether on Maltese or Italian television stations.

However the internet is different. I think that most of the times we believe that what is published down in newspapers, books, internet articles or whatever is God's word and it has to be true. Heqq after all the person writing it must be an expert in the field hux! However this may be wrong as it happens in many cases. The person writing the material may have a propaganda agenda, or he may just be mistaken on a lot of counts.

What the internet is giving us, especially nowadays is that the publishing of articles is no longer going in one direction:

publisher --> reader.

but now we have the reader pushing back information to the publisher and having the next reader viewing enriched content, which is pretty much what we are doing here on this blog.

Nowadays when I see an article such as on our news sites, it is always engaging to read what other people have to say about this and what underlying items you might have had missed. Although such comments on some sites may be moderated, there are various other forums that advocate free speech for their users. However what we really need to do is to 1. Read the article in question, 2. Formulate our opinion, and 3. Check what others have to say. This way rather than associating ourselves with a person voicing his opinion, we would stimulate ourselves to think about these issues and associate people to us instead of vice versa.

I would like to share two short video clips of two different views.

This one created by the MPAA (motion picture association of america) is shown in cinemas and when you usually rent a dvd (which has not been ripped by aXXo :-)) ...

This one is produced by the Greens European Free Alliance in the European parliament.

The first video tries to leave us with the impression that we are partly responsible for director failures to obtain decent profits for crappy movies such Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. The second one makes us think otherwise.

It's up to you to think your views. I can't not give you a link to this final one... :-)

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